
Click here to see my latest adventures >>

Urban dictionary states that adventure is, "for some a new pair of underwear, a different route to work or a new pizza topping. For other's it's a life threatening outdoor experience that makes life worth living. The experience usually involves loss of digits, limbs, friends or all of the above." On this new page, I plan to share all the moments in my life that I consider to be an adventure. From a tinder date to sky diving, there is nothing that I don't intend to try.

I am afraid of many things in life, some are irrational fears, while others are more validated due to their nature. In an effort to live life to the fullest, my goal is conquer my fears by putting myself into situations that will make me confront them.

Here is a list of some things I am afraid of:

Sweating in public
Sharks and snakes
Heights and Falling
Using public bathrooms
Being single forever
Falling over barricades (i.e. Gay Pride Parade 2015)
The ocean, specifically water past my waist
Running out of wine

I hope that my adventures and misadventures inspire you to have some of your own.


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