I met Natalie Salerno for the first time, when I applied to be a part of the Campus Activities Executive Board at the end of my freshman year. Thank God she picked me to be a part of her board because since then a friendship has formed. Natalie and I could not be more opposite, I mean she is level headed, witty, fashionable and above all rocks a red lip like nobody else I know (then again
my lips looked great when I was Ariel for halloween, so I win that one). She has been a constant supporter of me over the years and has truly been one of my greatest role models.
It is because of Natalie that I have now
mastered the art of fake laughter for photos, perused
a cookbook thrift store in the village and ultimately grown as an individual. Whether she is feeding me with her latest baked good or throwing her famous tagline, "take a lap" at me, I am always having the time of my life when I am with her.
I was inspired to start this blog because of Natalie's wildly successful blog
Whale & Wishbone and it's because of her guidance that I have even made it this far. Since I was away for the past five months, we had a lot of time to discuss our plans for the summer and we are looking forward to making some great memories together. Like
Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson minus the old and dying part, Natalie and I are embarking on our own bucket list of adventures. Here's the plan: